General Information
How long does a season last?

Each season lasts about 12 weeks.

What are the point limits?

To enhance your experience and add excitement, we have chosen not to disclose the daily XP limits for each activity. We encourage you to participate in the activities and discover the XP limits on your own.

What are level quotas?

Our leaderboard is based on percentiles which change based on participants.

When does the daily cap reset?

The daily cap resets at 00:00 UTC every day.

How is the daily reset calculated? Is it 24 hours from hitting the cap?

The daily reset is calculated based on a fixed reset time at 00:00 UTC each day, not from the time you hit the cap.

Points and scoring
What Dapps will I get points for?

Points can be earned through interactions with designated decentralized applications (Dapps). The list of eligible Dapps will be provided in the campaign guidelines.

Do we count L2 bridging, such as from Linea to Taiko, for points?

Yes, L2 bridging activities are included in the point calculation. Ensure you follow the specific instructions provided.

What tokens do I get Transaction Value points for?

Transaction Value points can be earned for transactions involving USDC, WETH, TAIKO, and USDT.

If I provide liquidity, how will my points be calculated? (daily, just once?)

See Mirror article (https://taiko.mirror.xyz/589CthdX0Qw-hRBeZarEQpjck-v4lJ-gtKz3SZvovt8), we will consider the following activities to help you collect XPs: - Bridging (ETH) - Bridging (ERC20) - Transaction Volume - Transaction Count (any kind of transaction counts) - Block Proposals. This means that providing liquidity will not give you any XPs.

Do we count L2 bridging, such as from Linea to Taiko, for points?

Yes, L2 bridging activities are included in the point calculation. Ensure you follow the specific instructions provided.

Does WETH/ETH unwrap give points?

Give it a shot—it only costs a few cents to check and see for yourself! :)

Technical Issues
Why are my Galaxe points not showing on Trailblazers?

There could be a delay in syncing points from Galaxe to Trailblazers. Ensure you have linked your accounts correctly and wait for the synchronization process to complete.

Access and eligibility
Why am I not whitelisted to mint a badge?

Whitelisting criteria are based on specific activities or qualifications. Ensure you have met all the requirements and participated in the necessary events.

Multipliers and rewards
How do the Faction badge multipliers work?

Each faction badge gives a 1.1x booster multiplier. Snaefel NFT holders get a 1.1x points boost, and Taikoons holders get a 2x points boost. If you sell your Faction badge(s) before the end of the season, you will lose the accumulated multiplied Experience Points by the number of Faction badges sold or moved from your wallet. For example, if you’ve collected 8 badges, you have a 2.14x multiplier, but if you sell one, you will have a 1.95x XP multiplier. These multipliers will last for the entire Trailblazer program duration.

Are the multipliers active?

No, multipliers are not active yet, but they will be implemented in the future, and your points will be multiplied according to the NFTs you hold.

Where can I buy NFTs which give multipliers?

Taikoons - https://www.okx.com/web3/marketplace/nft/collection/taiko/taikoon Faction Badges - https://www.okx.com/ua/web3/marketplace/nft/collection/taiko/trailblazers-badges Snaefell are SBTs, meaning you can neither buy nor sell them.

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